These therapies are very effective for healing all humans, animals, space and objects in terms of health, money, career, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. It also heals and strengthens chakras and aura.
I. INTENT REIKI: Combo of various Reiki healings and techniques for desired results from Rs.999 (3 sessions)
II. CANDLE & CRYSTAL REIKI: Combo of Reiki + Candle + Crystal Reiki for more efficacy from Rs.1333 (3 sessions)
III. ANGEL REIKI / VIOLET FLAME REIKI: Combo of Reiki + Healing by Archangels / Goddess Kuan Yin from Rs.1666 (3 sessions)
Based on power III > II > I
ZODIAC REIKI: It strengthens positive qualities of zodiac signs in birth chart for desired results. This includes birth chart analysis followed by Zodiac Reiki, starts from Rs.1555 (3 sessions)
TRAUMA / DNA / PASTLIFE REIKI: It heals birth, childhood and past trauma / genetic issues / pastlife issues at Rs.16666 (25 sessions)
KARMIC REIKI: It heals all the past and pastlife karmas at Rs.22222 (21 sessions)
QUANTUM REIKI: It heals all points and energy field of body in depth for desired results at Rs.777 per session.
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