I. INTENT REIKI: Combo of various Reiki healings and techniques for desired results from Rs.999 (3 sessions)
II. CANDLE & CRYSTAL REIKI: Combo of Reiki + Candle Healing+ Crystal Reiki for more efficacy from Rs.1333 (3 sessions)
III. ANGEL REIKI / VIOLET FLAME REIKI: Combo of Reiki + Healing by Archangels / Goddess Kuan Yin from Rs.1666 (3 sessions)
Based on power III > II > I
ZODIAC REIKI: It strengthens positive qualities of zodiac signs in birth chart for desired results. This includes birth chart analysis followed by Zodiac Reiki, starts from Rs.1555 (3 sessions)
TRAUMA / DNA / PASTLIFE REIKI: It heals birth, childhood and past trauma / genetic issues / pastlife issues at Rs.16666 (25 sessions)
KARMIC REIKI: It heals all the past and pastlife karmas at Rs.22222 (21 sessions)
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